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Illegal collections

Illegal collections 1000 563 Franck

Illegal textile collections have been taking place for many months in Wallonia’s communes. These collections are causing major economic losses for social enterprises. These operators generally pass themselves off as charities, but are in fact illegal networks whose sole aim is to make a financial profit. One way of distinguishing one social enterprise from another is through the Solid’R label. Check for the Solid’R logo on the collection containers!
Example of illegal door-to-door collection
Example of illegal container collection


Label 1000 563 Franck

25 companies were certified by the independent auditor Forum Ethibel in early 2023. Well done to all of you for your commitment to a more social and inclusive society!

Opinion on the action plan

Opinion on the action plan 1000 667 Franck

The Committee on European Legal Affairs issues an opinion on the EU action plan for the social economy and recognises the need for certification labels for the social economy:
Letter from the Legal Affairs Committee

Social Econmy Europe

Social Econmy Europe 1000 563 Franck

Social Economy Europe defines a charter for the social economy and presents its vision of a different business model:
Charte Social Economy Europe